Wound, Maltese

Photobiomodulation/Laser Therapy

Wound, Maltese

  • September 29 2023
  • Case Studies

Author(s): "Animal Medical Center, Lauderhill, FL"


Signalment:  6 year old, M/N Maltese

Presentation:  Attacked by large dog; penrose drains placed at ER on Day 1.  Day 4 after attack, skin appeared necrotic, drains removed and necrotic skin debrided.

Approximate Size of Area Treated (in cm2):  112 cm2

Total Energy Delivered (= Power x Time):  Treated with 429 J total (4.4 J/cm2) each session, 12 laser therapy sessions over 32 days.

Other Treatments:  Occlusive bandages with topical Manuka Honey, changed every other day after flushing with sterile saline.