Author(s): Heather Venables, Pawfit Veterinary Physiotherapy, Nantwich, United Kingdom
Signalment: Equine, Irish Sport Horse, 8 yr. old, Mare. "Bow"
History: Kicked while turned out with another horse.
Diagnostics and Exam Findings: Large traumatic wound on medial right hock. Initially closed with staples however wound opened up the following day and laser was initiated at that point.
Treatment Details: Deep wound protocol (7J/cm2) with LARGE non-contact treatment head, treated off contact over entire wound bed & margin.
Frequency of Treatments: Initially once daily for two days, then weekly as wound improved. Received 10 total treatments over 8 weeks.
Other Treatments Included: Oral trimethoprim and sulfadiazine, wound lavage.
Treatment Results: No proud scar tissue formed and no restrictions to range of motion were noted during examination and return to work. Owner now has Bow back in full work including low level eventing.