Author(s): "Lisa Miller, DVM, CCRT"
Signalment: 26 year old American Quarter Horse Gelding, “Rio”
Patient Symptoms: Severe bursitis and osteoarthritis of the elbow
Medical History: 2 IA injections of steroid + Hyaluronic Acid, systemic NSAID’s and chiropractic, joint support supplement in feed – No improvement noted (All treatments tried over a period of 8-12 weeks)
Laser Treatment: 7,500 Joules each applied to left elbow and left shoulder (15,000 Total Joules). (Palpated secondary soreness and swelling d/t weight shifting from lameness), beginning three times weekly, then weaning frequency as patient improved.
Patient Updates: After June 2013 Rio received maintenance laser treatments once weekly to his elbow 4-8 weeks for the following year and then only on an “as needed” basis. He is not on any systemic medications, just a chondroprotectant supplement in his feed daily.
Video courtesy of C. Howse.
Treatment video at 26 years old
Update at 28 years old