Paresis, Quarter Horse

Photobiomodulation/Laser Therapy

Paresis, Quarter Horse

  • September 29 2023
  • Case Studies

Author(s): "North Country Vet Clinic, Eagar, AZ"


Signalment:  3 year old Quarter Horse, “Tornado”

History:  Found down in pasture, unable to get up on 9/15, unknown duration or cause of paresis, owners were able to get horse up, but was still paretic and had several pressure sores from being down.

Examined by veterinarian on 10/1, (15 days later), was underweight and severely paretic in hind legs, unable to bear weight without sling support.  Patient was placed in a sling and kept standing in this manner.  Severe swelling to back left leg – hock, stifle, hip area.

Treatment Details:  Laser treatment delivered to left hip, stifle, and hock.  9000/ 9900/ 6744 Total Joules for each site respectively at 12W CW.

Frequency of Treatments:  Once daily for 3 days, then EOD (total 6 treatments)

Other Treatments Included:  Trimethoprim Sulfa: 18.75 PO BID for 7 days.

Treatment Results:  “Tornado was initially not able to do anything other than hang in the sling, but could stand with the sling supporting his weight after 15 min.  After his first laser session, he was able to walk a little, again with the sling supporting his weight.  The swelling would decrease after each session and his ability to use his hind limbs continued to improve though it was evident that there was severe neurological dysfunction in both.”

“After the first 2 weeks of therapy, we were able to remove the sling to walk him for short amounts of time and his swelling was completely gone.”

“By 3 weeks, he was completely out of the sling, able to be turned out, walking fairly well.  His CP is much improved though still not completely normal.  He never sloughed any tissue and his pressure wounds healed within the first week.” – Dr. Kari Christianson