Delayed Union Femur Fracture on Mixed Breed Canine Treated with Laser Therapy

Photobiomodulation/Laser Therapy

Delayed Union Femur Fracture on Mixed Breed Canine Treated with Laser Therapy

  • September 29 2023
  • Case Studies
Delayed Union Femur Fracture on Mixed Breed Canine Treated with Laser Therapy

Keyword: Delayed Union Femur Fracture, Laser Therapy

Author(s): Arlington Park Veterinary Services, Kingston, ON, Canada



"Rogue" canine surrendered to Humane Society – no history apart from trauma. L Femur Fracture repaired w/ internal fixation.

  • 8 weeks post-op radiographic evaluation demonstrated no evidence of osteogenesis and a broken screw.
  • Exercise restriction was recommended and repeat radiographs were performed 4 weeks later.
  • (12 weeks Post-Op) No clinical improvement. Delayed union present. Owner considering amputation
  • Presented to DVM with laser for treatment

Laser Treatment 
900 Total Joules delivered at 6W CW to entire thigh area

3 times weekly for 1 month (12 tx), then twice weekly for 2 weeks, then once weekly for 2 weeks (18 total treatments)

Other Therapies
Controlled weight bearing/balancing exercises and slow leash walking; crate rest otherwise

"Rogue" Before

Mixed breed dog with Delayed Union Femur Fracture before laser therapy treatment

Immediately post-op:

Mixed breed dog with Delayed Union Femur Fracture post-op

8 weeks post-op:

Mixed breed dog with Delayed Union Femur Fracture 8 weeks after laser therapy treatment

12 weeks post-op (started laser this visit):

Mixed breed dog with Delayed Union Femur Fracture 12 weeks after laser therapy treatment

16 weeks post-op (12 laser therapy sessions)

Mixed breed dog with Delayed Union Femur Fracture 16 weeks after laser therapy treatment

20 weeks post-op (18 laser therapy sessions)

Mixed breed dog with Delayed Union Femur Fracture 20 weeks after laser therapy treatment