Deep Neck Wound on Thoroughbred Gelding Equine Treated with Laser Therapy

Photobiomodulation/Laser Therapy

Deep Neck Wound on Thoroughbred Gelding Equine Treated with Laser Therapy

  • August 13 2023
  • Companion
Deep Neck Wound on Thoroughbred Gelding Equine Treated with Laser Therapy

Case and Photos courtesy of The Sanctuary & Florida Equine Veterinary Associates, Ocala, FL
12-year-old Thoroughbred Gelding recovers from a deep neck wound sustained from a fight along a fence board with the help of Pegasus laser therapy treatment

12x12 inch full thickness laceration over lateral and ventral neck that partially transected brachiocephalicus m.


Flap was suture closed with a penrose drain; treated with pain meds and antibiotics as well as Tetanus toxoid vaccine; veterinarian was concerned about blood supply to the skin flap and thought that most would devitalize and have to be removed; prescribed laser therapy 6,000 J total dose each treatment, first three days consecutively, then EOD for three more treatments (six total sessions)

  Deep Neck Wound Equine before Pegasus Laser Therapy Treatment


 Deep Neck Wound in Equine 4 weeks post-injury after Pegasus Laser Therapy Treatment

One Month Post-Injury

Horse returned to full work