Partial CCL Tear on Jack Russell Terrier Treated with Platelet-Rich Plasma

Regenerative Medicine

Partial CCL Tear on Jack Russell Terrier Treated with Platelet-Rich Plasma

  • September 18 2022
  • Companion
Partial CCL Tear on Jack Russell Terrier Treated with Platelet-Rich Plasma

Case courtesy of
Dr. Ted Spinks, VMD, Animal Hospital of Sussex County, Augusta, NJ. 

Canine, M/N, Jack Russel Terrier, 15 yrs, "Max" ​


The patient was seen by the referring DVM after acute hind limb lameness while playing at the local dog park. Despite NSAID and oral opioid and joint supplementation, the patient remained painful and unable to bear weight on the right pelvic limb. The patient also had a history of a low grade heart murmur (grade II/VI), currently stable. 

Diagnostics and Exam Findings
A positive partial cranial drawer and laxity with patellar luxation (grade II/IV) were found on examination. Partial tear of the right cranial cruciate ligament; patellar luxation

PRP Treatment
1 ml PurePRP injected into each stifle. A single intra-articular injection was applied to both stifle joints after three weeks of the patient failing to improve, despite medications and rest. 

Other Treatments
Weekly PBMT (photobiomodulation/laser therapy) treatment and physical therapy were recommended as adjuncts. 

The client reported that Max was slightly painful and sore 2-3 days post PRP. Approximately three weeks later, Max was weight bearing on the right hind with a slight limp. The clients were very pleased with the improvement seen.