If You Read One Article About Your Office Scale…Read This One

Stance Analyzer

If You Read One Article About Your Office Scale…Read This One

  • July 10 2024
  • Admin
If You Read One Article About Your Office Scale…Read This One | Companion Animal Health

What if your scale could be diagnosing potential lameness, supporting your plan of care, making it easier to talk to clients, and making you money?

Does your office scale raise your standard of care? Does it help you talk to clients? Does it make you money? If you are like most veterinary clinics, your scale plays an important role in your clinic – every single pet gets on it for weight – but could it be doing more?

Great news – your scale could be doing all of these things. From wellness exams to diagnostic visits and treatment re-checks, that staple of your clinic could be providing all the information that you need to provide a higher clinical standard, and a higher value to your clients.


Does Your Scale Double as a Weight-Bearing Analysis?

Meet the new Companion Stance Analyzer – a diagnostic tool and scale all wrapped into one. This advanced tool assesses weight-bearing providing you with an objective measure of any weight shifting or potential lameness equivalent to a gait analysis walkway.1


Does Your Scale Improve Your Standard of Care?

The Stance Analyzer is used in 3 main ways…

Stance Anlyzer

1. Wellness Exams
Every patient that walks into the clinic goes on your office scale – place them on the Stance Analyzer instead and measure both their weight and weight-bearing all at once. This information will allow you to track weight-bearing data over time, enabling you to detect abnormalities. The Stance Analyzer is a key component to prevention and wellness programs, allowing you to detect lameness before the pet begins to show it.

2. Diagnostic Visits
When a patient comes in for a problem visit collect their weight and weight bearing data on the Stance Analyzer as a base-line. As the pet goes through your plan of care it will be essential to have this baseline information to show objective improvement. The Stance Analyzer can also help provide clues of “where to look” for the pet’s pain. The visual report will help you explain your findings to the client and pursue follow up diagnostics if needed.

3. Treatment Re-Checks
Quantify a percent of improvement with the weight bearing data provided by the Stance Analyzer. This information can provide both validation of the current plan of care, and can help determine when changes to the treatment protocol should be made.


Does Your Scale Help You Talk to Pet Owners?

The scale isn’t a very exciting talking point, and it’s standard technology that hasn’t experienced innovation over time. The Stance Analyzer produces a colorful report that is a useful visual aid in discussing findings with pet owners. Take the selling out of suggesting additional diagnostics and treatment plans with a strong proof-source on your side.


Does Your Scale Detect Pain?

Pain, it’s the thing that no pet owner thinks his or her pet has. “Cody runs and jumps, if he was in pain he wouldn’t!” The Stance Analyzer can prove where pain exists and can support pain-reducing plans of care such as laser therapy or regenerative medicine.


Does Your Scale Make You Money?

  • No way! Wondering how the Stance Analyzer could make you money? There are a few ways:
  • Fee for analysis: Add a small fee to wellness exams for the additional service.
  • Early injury detection: Add more preventative service revenue & diagnostic revenue.
  • Enhanced treatment compliance: Add more revenue through clients following through on plans of care.


Take it to the Next Level

Now that you know all the ways your scale could be doing more check out the Stance Analyzer on our website for more information and to schedule your demonstration.




1. Tyler Clough, William & Canapp, Sherman. (2018). Assessing Clinical Relevance of Weight Distribution as Measured on a Stance Analyzer through Comparison with Lameness Determined on a Pressure Sensitive Walkway and Clinical Diagnosis. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 31. A1-A25. 10.1055/s-0038-1668246