Canine Validation- Why Is It Important?

Regenerative Medicine

Canine Validation- Why Is It Important?

  • June 24 2024
  • Admin
Companion | Lasers for Life

“Canine Validation – Why Is It Important?”


In previous blogs, we have explored a general knowledge of Platelet Rich Plasma, Stem Cells and the indications for which they can be used. Now, let’s take a look at the systems that make these therapies possible and the importance of using a system validated for use in canines.

The general definition of validation is to “confirm that a product or a service meets the needs of its users”. In the veterinary practice that is utilizing regenerative medicine, whether it be PRP or Stem Cell therapy (or a combination of the two), the goal is to use a product that will result in having consistent therapeutic effects. With Platelet Rich Plasma, that means using a final PRP product that has a 5-7 fold concentration of platelets and a reduction of less than desirable or harmful cell types (red blood cells and neutrophils). For Stem Cell isolations, it means producing a product that contains active stem cells that can divide and differentiate into the tissue we are intending to heal. Additionally, the process by which these final products are obtained must be reproducible with little variation between users and patients.

Why do we need a system to be specifically validated for canine patients? To meet the goals of the veterinary practitioner, it is imperative that the system being used has been optimized to process samples for the intended patients. For the equine practitioner, that means using a system that was designed to process samples collected from a horse. Similarly, for the small animal practitioner, that means using a system that was designed process samples for dogs. But why can’t a small animal practitioner use a system that was originally intended for horses or humans? After all, blood is blood, right?

It is important to understand the different characteristics of blood and the species that blood sample belongs to. Densities, volumes and shapes of the cells all come into consideration when designing a processing protocol for isolating a select cell type. When processing for Platelet Rich Plasma, this means the method of separation needs to be specific for the characteristics of the cells in the particular species. What may work for a horse, may not work for a dog, human, etc. It is important that the system being used to process the samples has taken all of the above characteristics into consideration and is specifically designed to process the samples accordingly. It is equally important that the system has been validated by third party evaluation to provide the end product that has been marketed.

For more information on the Companion Regenerative Therapies System or to view the published multicenter validation study on canine PRP, please click here. Stayed tuned for our next blog where we will take a closer look at the different cell types and their roles in the PRP sample.