Companion Publications

Fracture and Tendon Contracture on Rabbit Treated with Laser Therapy

Written by Case Studies | Jun 4, 2023 3:30:00 PM

Author(s): Dr. Scott Stahl, Stahl Exotic Animal Veterinary Services


Adult Dutch rabbit 

Fractured right tibia immobilized with a splint for one month

Diagnostics and Exam Findings: 
Contracture of tendons of stifle and hock and deviation of fracture site, as well as abnormal gait after splint removal. Rabbit was unable to stand on hind legs to groom or ambulate without limping.

Laser Treatment
Hock treated at 1.3W and stifle at 3.8W for a total dose of 288 and 900 Joules, respectively

Frequency of Treatment 
Twice weekly for six total treatments

Other Treatments 
Oral Meloxicam


After three weeks of laser therapy, the leg was held in a more normal position and the rabbit was able to move more normally without restrictions and stand on its hind legs to groom.


Before and After Video




After laser therapy treatment photo of rabbit with fracture and tendon contracture