Companion Publications

Companion | Lasers for Life

Written by Admin | May 21, 2024 9:33:34 PM

Welcome back to the Companion Animal Health Regenerative Medicine blog series! In case you missed Part 1, you can read it here. In today’s blog, we are going to answer two more of the most frequently asked questions surrounding Platelet Rich Plasma.


Question 1: What is a joint flare? How often are they seen post injection?

A joint flare is an inflammatory response in the joint due to a change in the synovial environment. Also referred to as Reactive Synovitis, joint flares can be seen after the injection or withdrawal of fluid into or from the joint. The most common characteristics are: swelling of the injected joint(s), heat emittance from the area and mild to moderate lameness. Typically lasting between 24-28 hours post injection, joint flares can be managed utilizing pain medication (excluding NSAIDs).

Joint flares are reported to occur between 15-20% of patients, but have not been reported to have a negative effect on the treatment outcome. If symptoms are lasting more than 72 hours, synovial fluid analysis is recommended in case there is an unlikely event of an immune moderated disease or septic joint.

Question 2: How long should I wait to laser the area after injecting Platelet Rich Plasma?

Currently there is limited data surrounding the interaction of photobiomodulation and PRP. However, preliminary research is beginning to show promise for the immediate use of laser post-injection. In one recent study, researchers investigated the use of photobiomodulation, platelet rich plasma and the combination of both in the healing of an Achilles tendon. The results of this study showed compounding therapeutic effects, shortening the healing time and returning the tissue closer to “normal” tissue structure.

While this study shows promise, further research and validation in canine patients will provide more accurate recommendations for post injection settings and protocols. Currently it is recommended to wait 3-4 days post injection to begin treating the area with photobiomodulation.

If you would like to learn more about Platelet Rich Plasma and Stem Cell therapies or if you have questions that were not answered in this blog, please contact Companion Animal Health at

Stay tuned for our next blog which will explore the benefits of treating with Platelet Rich Plasma!