Companion Publications

Aspergillosis, Canine

Written by Companion | Dec 17, 2023 2:15:00 PM
Case courtesy of Mountainview Veterinary Hospital, Rockaway, NJ Species and Breed
4 year old m/n Rottweiler, "Evo"

Evo was diagnosed with nasal Aspergillosis in January 2010 after presenting with unilateral nasal discharge which progressed to epistaxis   Initial Diagnosis Radiographs revealed destructive rhinitis of R sinus; subsequent MRI, rhinoscopy, and biopsy/culture revealed Aspergillosis Initial Treatment 2 intranasal antifungal infusions as well as systemic medications over the next two years with minimal improvement noted.  Progression Continued swelling over sinuses which eventually ruptured, resulting in chronic purulent nasal discharge, no improvement regardless of multiple medical attempts; presented for euthanasia d/t poor QOL in November 2013 Laser Treatment 186 total Joules at 2W; three times weekly for one month, then twice weekly for one month, then once weekly for one month (24 total)
Before During laser therapy treatments After laser therapy treatments